Monday, May 22, 2006

Once upon a time.....

Sunday night is family game night at the Moos. Last night was Little Penguin's choice of game. She is almost 15 and detests board games, at least in theory. She decided we would sit in a circle and jointly tell a story. I must admit none of us were terribly enthusiastic about this but we all have to play what ever is picked so we gave it a shot. We each could say one sentence to add to the story and we had to go in order. Pinky(age 11) went first. She started with, "Once there was a pretty, perky, princess." Already Little Penguin was plotting the princesses demise but it wasn't her turn next. It was mine. "the princess was taking a long journey by horse drawn carriage to visit her Aunt Griselda in the wilds of Moravia" I wish I had written down the enitre tale sentence by sentence but here are the highlights:
The pretty perky princess whose name was ingrid disappeared, because she had been to the town of topsey turvey and had been mistaken for Grandpa Joe and the sensible polite princess named Sarah went to look for her because the Royal Guard were all wimps and afriad to go into the wilds of Moravia. Sarah first found a dead camel which had been hung from a tree and wondered if it was her sisters body. A fellow named Tall little Johnny stepped out of the woods and announced it was his grandpa Joe. After some investigation it was determined that it couldn't be Grandpa Joe becaue he had 1 hump and couldn't be Ingrid because she had no humps and the body had 2 humps. For reasons unknown a deep-voiced Fairy came out of the woods. A knight from the neighboring country of Moronica arrived fresh from the crusades(Mr Moo's idea) and was promptly ignored. Tall little Johnny turned into a werewolf and stuck his tongue on Sarah's ear and she slapped him. The knight cut off his tongue. Strangely at this point, Jesus appeared and put the werewolf's tongue back on. Sarah was very nervous about the company she was in and asked Him to stay but he said his time had not yet come. Voldemort appeared and turned into a woman who was called Billy Joe Voldemort from then on.
Suddenly they were all in a barn and Jesus went back to Heaven. The deep voiced fairy told Sarah that if she kissed him he would turn into a prince. She did and he turned into a black musician(who this was supposed to be was totally lost on the kids). The werewolf ate him and then ran off. The farmer's son Edward came into the barn. He also kissed Sarah and was slapped.
Meanwhile Billy Joe Voldemort who had Alzheimers was plotting to take over the world and we found out that she had killed the camel and had Ingrid prisoner in her secret room. Sarah and Ingrid's father sent the royal army to find his daughter's including his millions of killer rabbits. The rabbits were battling the fuzzy but deadly kittens who were minions of Voldemort. Voldemort laced the woods with poison carrots to kill the rabbits but then her Alzheimers rose up and she forgot about what was going on in the woods. Ingrid took this opportunity to escape.
At this moment Jesus returned and the rapture started but then was interrupted with an apologetic "false alarm" from Jesus who left again. This left Sarah, Ingrid, and the royal army in the woods. Mrs Moldystew(from Johnny and the Sprites) then came out of the woods and told them to keep it down. The soldiers recognized that he/she was Johnny in drag and ripped off her clothes. Johnny then kissed Sarah. She DIDN'T slap him because she realized he was her true love(I must have a talk with Pinky about all this kissing and slapping). Billy Joe Voldemort arrived to recapture Ingrid but Spiderman and all his friends came to defend them. Billy Joe in an Alzheimer's fog got confused and took spiderman prisoner instead of Ingrid.
Everyone was transported to the middle of the ocean full fo sharks but they were all very good swimmers and made it to various shores. As our story closed, Johhny and Sarah were living on a desert island with their 6 kids and everyone else had gone home.


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