Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Catholic Conscience

I don't usually lie to my husband. Ok, I hate the whole idea of lying but I have been known to dissemble or avoid the subject if there is something I really don't want to tell. Unfortunately I was born with a highly overdeveloped sense of guilt. My husband says it is so overdeveloped that was born to be Catholic. Well, today it reared its ugly head once again. My husband had let me put $30 in my bank account for the co-pay to my daughter's chiropracter's appointment. Well, I was out of money for the week and wanted to get some things at the grocery store. I knew that my daughter would be canceling her appointment because of a schedule conflict. So I decided to spend it on food. I was standing in line agonizing because knew I didn't have permission to use the money this way. I was debating whether to just go confess to my husband or whether to be slippery and just say I had used the money and hope he presumed it was for the co-pay. Well, at that very moment my cell phone moo-ed. It was my husband. He said he had just felt like he should call me. I felt this just proved God was listening to my thoughts and I confessed immediately. In case you are wondering, he wasn't mad. he said he wasn't going to throw me out over $30. He did tease me mercilessly about how I was worried about $3o and yet had charged several hundred on my credit card. (I know he pays the bills but it is my credit card) Anyway, what is the point of this story? Was it God whispering to my husband to call me?? A freaky-weird coincidence? My own guilty subconscious calling to my husband? There is a truth but can I figure it out?


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